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Food YouTube Channels

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Spending a sizeable amount of time on YouTube gets a little easier when you’re watching video from channels you like. Since YouTube is full of content creators and storytellers, there are plenty of channels to follow. To cut through all the clutter of the video hosting site, in this week’s Wildwood Park Apartments Blog, we’ll share with you some channels we think you should follow if you enjoy watching food-themed videos.

Mark Wiens

Not many people from the United States have the opportunity to live in Thailand and make a living making food videos on YouTube, but Mark Wiens is one of them. Based out of Thailand, Mark travels around the world featuring foods from different cultures, focusing heavily on Southeast Asia. Explore the streetfood side of the cultures of the world by subscribing to Mark’s channel!

Binging with Babish

If you’ve watched a show that features some food, you’ve probably wondered what those food items looked like in real life or how they taste. Binging with Babish is a cooking show dedicated to recreating the food items found in fictional shows, whether they be delectable or horrible. Check out this channel and maybe you can even recognize some of the food he makes!

Yuka Kinoshita

When you think of competitive eaters or people who eat a large amount of food, the last person you may think of is Yuka Kinoshita. Yuka is a petite Japanese woman who has the uncanny ability to consume a large amount of food! One of the most amazing things about Yuka is the fact that she appears to enjoy all the food she consumes, unlike other competitive eaters.

We hope you enjoy these channel suggestions. Do you have any food YouTube Channels you follow? Let our Arlington, VA apartment community know of them by leaving a comment!

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